The Catholic Univesity of Eastern Africa Digital Repository > Nairobi City Campus > Past Examination Papers >
Environmental studies
Introduction to the bible
Communication skills
Christian ethics
Economics of development
Managerial economics
International economics
Labour economics
Intermediate microeconomics
Introduction macroeconomics
Introduction to micro economics
Management of change
Topics in management
Banking practice and law
Supply chain management
Strategic Management
International business operations
Production/ Operations management
Company law
Business research methods
Management of non profits
Business ethics
Business process re-engineering
Labour laws
Managing not for profit organizations
Management of cooperatives
Organizational development
Principles of insurance
Organizational behaviour
Principles of commercial law
Principles of management
Quantitative methods
Business statistics
Introduction to business statistics
Business mathematics
Public relations
Marketing of services
Marketing management
Principles of marketing
Topics in human resources management
Global human resource operations
Employee performance and rewards
Career guidance and counseling
E-Human resource
Staff integration and separation
Inustrial relations management
Strategic human resource management
Strategic human resource
Human resources development
Human resource development
Industrial psychology
Employee sourcing
Human resource management
Human resources management
Introduction to information technology
Management information systems
Introduction to E-Business
Strategic financial mangement
Real estate finance
International finance
Security analysis
Financial risk management
Public sector project appraisal
Portfolio management
Pension schemes
Pension scheme
Financial institutions and markets
Public finance
Risk management
Corporate finance
Business finance
Introduction to management accounting
Cost accounting
Introduction to financial accounting
Basic accounting