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Title: Quality of Care and Psychological Wellbeing of Differently Abled Children in Embu County Kenya
Authors: Ndwigah, Henry Kathuri
Asatsa, Stephen (PhD)
Macharia, Elijah N. (PhD)
Keywords: Family Care, Institutional Care,
Differently Abled
Issue Date: Aug-2021
Publisher: www.rsisinternational.org
Citation: Henry Kathuri Ndwigah, Stephen Asatsa (PhD) and Elijah N. Macharia (PhD) Department of Psychology, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa, August (2021)
Series/Report no.: International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS);|Volume V, Issue VIII,
Abstract: The care of children with motor impairments is a global concern. Their psychological wellbeing is a great concern for those living with them. This study aimed at investigating the quality of care given to these children and their psychological wellbeing in Embu County, Kenya. The study adopted cross- sectional research design to collect data. A sample size of 80 participants was selected using census method. Data were collected using the Ryff’s psychological wellbeing scale, a sociodemographic questionnaire and a self-developed questionnaire for assessment of quality of care given to the differently abled children. The study findings showed that the quality of care given to the differently abled children in the family, residential institutions and educational institutions has weak positive and significant correlation with personal growth domain of the psychological wellbeing scale (r= 0.320, p<0.05; r= 0.329, p<0.05; and r=0.449, p>0.05 respectively. The results imply that enhancing the quality of care to differently abled children is vital in the psychological health of differently abled children.
URI: http://localhost/xmlui/handle/1/12872
ISSN: 2454-6186
Appears in Collections:Bachelor of Arts and Social Sciences

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