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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Dec-2018CED 071: PRINCIPLES OF MICROECONOMICSThe catholic university of eastern africa
Dec-2018CED 072: PRINCIPLES OF MACROECONOMICSThe catholic university of eastern africa
Dec-2018CHEM 101: ORGANIC CHEMISTRY IThe catholic university of eastern africa
Dec-2018CHEM 104: ATOMIC STRUCTURE AND CHEMICAL BONDINGThe catholic university of eastern africa
Dec-2018CHEM 104: CHEMICAL BONDING AND STRUCTUREThe catholic university of eastern africa
Dec-2018CHEM 105: ORGANIC CHEMISTRY IIThe catholic university of eastern africa
Dec-2018CHEM 200: DESCRIPTIVE INORGANIC CHEMISTRY OF S AND P BLOCKThe catholic university of eastern africa
Dec-2018CHEM 201: PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY IIThe catholic university of eastern africa
Dec-2018CHEM 201: PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY IIThe catholic university of eastern africa
Dec-2018CHEM 202: NUCLEAR AND RADIATION CHEMISTRYThe catholic university of eastern africa
Dec-2018CHEM 202: NUCLEAR AND RADIATION CHEMISTRYThe catholic university of eastern africa
Dec-2018CHEM 203: CHEMICAL KINETICSThe catholic university of eastern africa
Dec-2018CHEM 204: REACTION MECHANISMSThe catholic university of eastern africa
Dec-2018CHEM 205: STEREOCHEMISTRY AND CONFORMATIONAL STUDIESThe catholic university of eastern africa
Dec-2018CHEM 300: INTRODUCTION TO INSTRUMENTAL METHODSThe catholic university of eastern africa
Dec-2018CHEM 301: COORDINATION CHEMISTRYThe catholic university of eastern africa
Dec-2018CHEM 304: CHEMISTRY OF CARBOHYDRATES AND PROTEINSThe catholic university of eastern africa
Dec-2018CHEM 308: ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY IThe catholic university of eastern africa
Dec-2018CHEM 310: ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTRYThe catholic university of eastern africa
Dec-2018CHEM 400: DESCRIPTIVE CHEMISTRY OF TRANSITION ELEMENTSThe catholic university of eastern africa
Showing results 1 to 20 of 43
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